As a valued customer of Uniplex UK Ltd, you trust us not only to provide you with a supply chain solution but to do so in a safe and reliable manner.
As any responsible business operating globally, we recognise the fact that the recent developments of the COVID-19 virus in the UK require us to re-assure you about our business readiness, in case of any future developments potentially impacting our workforce and our suppliers.
Like other organisations, we are taking the necessary precautions against the spread of COVID-19. We have had no reports of the virus in Uniplex, but nonetheless, we are taking some steps to ensure that remains the case.
In that context, we have kindly asked that all non-essential visits to the Uniplex office are limited and/or moved to virtual meetings, Skype etc., or telephone until further notice and we would like you to know that we have curtailed our national and international travel plans.
In order to allay any concerns, Uniplex would like to take this opportunity to confirm to our customers that the relevant measures have been put in place to ensure no break or degradation of service is experienced.
The areas covered relate to Staff, Systems, Infrastructure, Critical Partners:
• We have completed continuity reviews of our business, and have absolute confidence we will be able to continue delivering a 1st class service and 100% “in stock” on all our regularly purchased products
• All staff who have the ability to work remotely have been asked to do so
• All staff are being issued with working from home guidelines
• All systems can be accessed remotely via secure VPN systems
• Physical phones available to staff can also be diverted to mobiles if required
• All infrastructure has been tested to confirm capacity requirements
• Many, but as yet not all Critical Partners business continuity plans have been gained, assessed and approved. We hope to have 100% by the end of the month
Taking government advice, some personnel are continuing to work from the office confident that when the time comes, we can disperse effectively, and we won’t be ‘remote fatigued’ – other staff working from home will take their places
Thank you for taking the time to read the above, and whilst it is difficult to predict any future developments, our aim is to ensure that we continue to provide you with the quality of service we strive to deliver in normal circumstances.
Yours Sincerely,
Adriaan Posthuma
Managing DirectorUniplex (UK) Ltd
11 Furnace Hill
Sheffield, S3 7AF
United Kingdom